Nature Walks
Guided walks are held on the 4th Saturday of each month (except December), leaving from the Henderson Environmental Centre in Groat Street, North Beach WA at 8.00am. Depending on the time of year, walkers will see a variety of birds, insects, reptiles and spiders. Flowers of one kind or another are always out, ranging from Banksia and Eucalypt blossom to tiny orchids and trigger plants.
Two nocturnal walks are held each year, usually in May and October. This is a chance to see the bushland in a different light, with frogs and spiders emerging and night birds such as the tawny frogmouth usually sighted.
The annual Spring Wildflower Walk showcases the floral beauty of the bushland, with hundreds of flowers, of all types and colours, on display.
All walks and other activities leave from the Henderson Environmental Centre.
For more specific dates and times please click Here